![]() Minister Cynthia Diggs is the founder of 4Real Ministries. She is a dynamic preacher, singer, and friend. She is one of God's up and coming women on the rise and the best thing about Cyndi is God is exalting her and not money, friends, or talents. This young woman is 4 real not only about her ministry, but about God's people. I am so excited to introduce you to this woman of God! The Interview
Tell our viewers who you are and a little bit about you. My name is Minister Cynthia Diggs. My friends call me Cyndi. I was the middle child born to Pastor James and Odessa Diggs in Las Vegas Nevada. We later moved to Texas. I lived a pretty decent life and was raised in a Christian home. I later strayed away and began to live a life that was not conducive to what I was taught. I saw lives destroyed through methods of drugs, sex, alcohol and partying. I was very much involved but God had a plan for my life! Do you truly believe that you are walking in your purpose and what did it take to get you to this point? Yes, I know I am walking in my purpose for several reasons. 1. I would not have chosen a life of ministry. I did not choose this life but God chose me! 2. There is no way I could get around my call and the purpose God had for me. I was pulled, drawn, compelled to preach and teach God’s word. I do not know anything else. I eat, breathe and sleep God's word and executing the kingdom building process. 3. The life I live is the life that was prophesied to my parents prior to my birth. Jeremiah 29:11, before I was formed in my mom’s womb, God knew me. My purpose was planned before my parents planned me. 4. Last, each day God reveals to me through His word that I am walking in my purpose. It is through His word that I receive daily confirmation. It took me submitting to God’s voice and laying down my own will. I had to get rid of my way of thinking and take on the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5). It took me separating from people, places, and things that reminded me of my past. Anything that was not lining up according to God’s word, I had to separate myself from it. No, I’m not perfect and never will be on this side, but when you are trying to reach a new height and go a different route- in any aspect of life, you must do those things you’ve never done. I had to realize that God cared enough to take the time to create me, and then call me, and the least I could do was allow Him to complete His work. I had to delve into the word of God when I wanted to and even when I did not. I learned I could not carry out God’s orders if I did not know what those orders were. I had to be honest with God and myself. It was my real encounter with Him as in Isaiah 6 that changed my life! At that time, God birthed out of me, 4REAL Ministries, Realistic Expectations about Life. What advice would you give to a young woman who knows that God has something special for them, but somehow can’t seem to get enough faith to walk in her purpose? I suggest practicing a lifestyle of prayer. Talk to God as much as you can on a daily basis. Even when you are not sure what to say, just talk to Him. It doesn’t take a long prayer but you must try. Ask God what His will for your life is. Be ready and willing to obey the voice of God when He speaks. When you talk to Him, He will answer. Be honest with God just as you are when you are building a new relationship. Seek a Godly mentor that exemplifies Christ in her walk and talk. A woman that has been there and done that is the best example. Whatever you do on a consistent basis will become a habit for you. The more you try to trust God the more it will become a part of your life. All of us have gone through some rough times, Can you recall a time when you really believed that God had left you by yourself and how did you overcome? Yes, three years ago I lost my ability to walk for nearly 6 months. I had a very rare case of nerve damage that brought about 2 surgeries, 5 months of rehab, the loss of my job and all of the lack that goes along with this type of pressure. I was devastated as this was what I thought the height of my life. I had never experienced such pain in my life. Mentally, physically, financially and spiritually, I was broken. People I expected to be there were not and I had to totally learn to depend on God. It was at this time that I put my trust in God, for real! His word became a source of my daily life and He spoke so clearly to me, "My grace is sufficient and made perfect in your weakness". These were no longer just mere words, but the foundation of my life. I made it with the help of the Lord! I’m glad to announce that I can walk, run, drive, dance, and shout at 100%! Hallelujah! In Ten minutes, would you give our viewers or readers a testimony of God’s goodness and something specific that has happened in your life that will encourage, change, or usher them into a new perspective on life. God has been so good to me and I have several testimonies I could share. For the sake of time I will share that there was a time that I thought everyone else was better than me at almost anything. I went through a period that I was looked down on by other pastor’s, ministry leaders, and even my close friend. God hid me from the world and even myself and did not allow my complete anointing to show until HE was ready. I was looked over for years in the area of ministry and struggled with my call to preach God’s word. I thought I was not good enough, not worthy of the call, not educated enough…but God! I learned truer humility by serving others and allowing God to keep me. It took years, so I thought, but God was good in shielding me. He hid me from the enemy and did not let him destroy me. As the years went by, some of those same people had to come to me for prayer and intercession. The gifts God had given me expanded into several areas of ministry and the result was a simple, “Nobody but God”. It was evident that the elevation came from God and not me. Let me encourage you that no matter what it may look like, what you may be going through, or even how long it’s been just live by the word of God found in KJV (Romans 8:18) I reckon, that sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.. If you desire to find out more information about Minister Cynthia Diggs, go to www.cynthiadiggs.weebly.com. You can also email Minister Diggs at [email protected]. |
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About InterviewsDanyelle Scroggins author of Not Until You're Ready presents: In The Living Room with Pastor Danyelle the place where you'll fine the testimonies of God's Daughters. Archives
October 2022