Today, I truly received an awesome revelation through God's Word that really explained why I won't give up. Sometimes, I hear, "You've been writing for so long and sharing the Word of God and it still seems like you are going no where." I promise you that just when I seem to be on the verge of agreement with those words, I hear, "Psalms 1", and immediately, I say, "I am blessed and whatever I put my hands to shall prosper."
Of course, I can't say when, but something on the inside tells me to keep dreaming and keep believing in the dream. Do you not know that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy and in the midst of his fiery and destruction is your dreams and the things you hope for? If the dream killer can cause you to kill your dreams, then you'll whither. I choose to be like that tree planted by the rivers of water. Underneath the surface and although you can't see it, the water by the river keeps providing everything I need and eventually - in my season, I'm going to produce just what is in me, like that tree. So to those of you who have a dream, don't let it die. No matter how hard it seems, do like me, keep working, keep moving, and most of all keep believing. And when the dream killer try to mess with your mind, have enough of God's Word on the inside to meditate on, both day and night. I can assure you that the Word is truly that standard, that has been lifted up just for you, when the enemy tries to overload your mind with the floods of negativity. Hang in there and know that I am praying for you my brethren. Be Blessed! And whatever you do, don't allow the dream killer to kill your dream! I've noticed something that's happened in my life, I am quick to discord people when they get on my nerves. So of course, this leaves me alone most of the time. Now I know you think that people shouldn't get on a pastor's nerves but you are mistaken. We sometimes deal with more foolishness than you'll ever imagine.
Nevertheless, God is really dealing with me concerning associations. Do you know that just being around someone who's blessed can cause you to come into your wealthy places? No, I'm not just talking about mouching off someone else's money, I'm talking about the blessing of association. Just associating yourself with someone who has favor, can cause favor to fall on you. If God said that He'd open up windows from heaven and pour out blessings that you won't be able to recieve....then tell me, who does those blessings that fall off of the tither and the one who walks into provisionary promise falls on? I'll answer that for you, they fall on the people around them. How? Because the tither already is soaked in giving and they understand, "give and it shall be given unto you." We are often blessed through the people we know! Nothing that we've done, just to know someone, and sometimes to know someone that knows someone else, is a true fire way to move into blessings by association. So as God began to release this in my life, I'm finding a way to deal with people even though my nerves are sometimes shaken. I just had to come to the realization that everyone isn't where I am and I ain't where they may want me to be. The definition of friendship is to take someone into your heart, accepting them flaws and all, teaching them when they are wrong (according to God's Word), loving them through their rough times, and blessing them in your plentious times, creating a bond that no one can break; a bond that can withstand the turbulent times. This is friendship. So, I guess what I am trying to tell you today is don't take friends for granted. Decide to love your friends, no matter what. I've been rebuked to stop letting people go and maybe if you're reading this, God is handing that same instruction to you. Speak to your nerves and command them to be at ease, I know I've got to get mine under subjection. This is a giant in my life that has had to come down. Love covers a multitude of faults and you must allow love to cover others faults. Don't allow friendship to vanish because who knows, you could be blessed by association. |
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January 2025