Listen to me when I say this...
People are hurting and the only way you can heal hurt is to connect to someone who has hurt worse than you, but for you. JESUS is the ANSWER! There is no getting around this... Until you give your life to SOMEONE greater than your job, spouse, pain, fears, momma, or will always be broken and struggling with stuff that seems to be choking you out. I've been there. I know what it feels like to just want to end it all. But your end on earth will not stop your pain in the eternal. So TODAY, I want to offer advice to those the devil is coming for in this SEASON. 1) Connect to CHRIST. Make the confession with your mouth and embrace within your heart that you need SOMEONE stronger than yourself, and will yourself to BELIEVE that HE is and that HE is waiting on you to make the connection. 2) Tell the Devil that nothing you are going through trumps who GOD is, so since you have given it to GOD, nothing he says matters. See, you have to talk back to the creep who is trying to take you out and you resist him by throwing WHO you believe has the power to defeat him...JESUS. 3) Change your thinking. Realize that as long as you have breath in your body, you have an opportunity to flee anything. Even if it lands you in least you are not in hell. Even if you lose your home, there's enough vacant homes to stay in until someone puts you out. Even if you have no lights, at least you have shelter and candles. Even if you have no money left from your check, at least you had enough to pay your bills. Even if you only have chicken in your refrigerator, find different ways to cook it differently. Even if he or she left you, be thankful now the spot in your heart is opened for someone who really wants to be with you. YOU GET IT? 4) Increase your faith. I don't care what anyone says, it takes FAITH to keep from being smothered by circumstances. A person with no faith has no hope, and ultimately no morals or convictions. But a person with faith realizes that GOD is the GIVER of all good gifts and if they align themselves with the GIVER the GIFTS will eventually find them. 5) Determine to live and not die. There are some things that happened to me that should have killed me. BUT GOD, not JUST GOD...and my saying every time a storm brews in my life...I SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE TO DECLARE THE WORKS OF THE LORD. I promise I tell myself this to this day! Stuff has happened to me that I know the devil set out to kill my spirit, destroy my ministry, taint my witness, and land me underneath the jail...and the only thing I had was my determination to live and not die, my faith, and my connection to God. See how it all leads back. You can let these foolish people in this world convince you that there is no God if you want to. You can let these broke down pastors with no God-connection cause you to run from the church if you want to. But if YOU do, it is YOU who suffers. Refuse to allow anything or anyone to block your connection to HIM. Seek HIM for yourself. And if after you seek HIM, you find no merits, then do it your way. But I promise you, if you truly seek HIM, you'll find an absolute truth that cannot be denied. I pray this blesses someone, and that you come to understand that your life means so much more than what has been sent to kill you. You, my brother or my sister, are the prime examples to so many when you decide that you will just live to be the example of the sons and daughters of GOD in the flesh on earth. Be Blessed, Danyelle |
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January 2025