Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 24-25 I finished my M.R.E (Master of Religious Education) from Liberty University, and once it was completed, all I could say was, “Now unto Him,” and “I’m done with school forever.”
Many days, I wanted to quit. I wanted to throw in the towel. Sometimes the classes would be so demanding and the course work so draining, until I would just cry. Now, I have never really liked school because it always required me to be still in one place for too long. I never imagined ever going back. Then when my children were grown and in college, my eldest daughter began to push me to become college educated. I began to help them do papers and assignments and they would call and say, “Momma we got an A.” I realize then that I was able to do whatever I desired if the One who was able to keep me from falling stood with me. There may be something in your life that you are absolutely afraid of facing. Something that makes your skin crawl every time you think of doing “it”. When I look back over my life and see the faith plunge into so many areas that I thought I would fail, all I can say is, “Now unto him.” What unto Him, Danyelle…Love Unto Him…Honor Unto Him…Glory Unto Him… And Thankfulness unto Him who kept me from falling and one day will present me as faultless. Because surely He is the only one, through all of my mishaps, falls, or slips, was waiting right there to give me all the push I needed to do the exceedingly and abundantly above all I could ask or think. “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,” Ephesians 3:20 And on yesterday, after praying for weeks concerning where to go next in my life, I decided to move towards the track of getting my Doctor of Divinity. I’m shaking in my boots but all I can think about is NOW UNTO HIM! You know that feeling you get when you know the task ahead is not easy but still you are jumping in head first and can't even question why you are doing it? It's like you know that somehow, God has ordained that it should be your next step. So with all the strength you can muster, you say, "Lord, now unto You." Well, I wrote this today to make sure that all of you my faith and friends keep me lifted in prayer. School starts May 21st! Touch and agree that my mind is ready for the challenge. I am believing God for 13 A's. Before I go, I want to say...whatever is before you, grab it. Reach for it, jump in, dive in, or jump high knowing that your Now Unto Him, can propel you into a faith move that stands firmly on "I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me." Amen. All it takes is a seed so God will release whatever it is you are needing in your life!
I learned years ago, if you just sow, sometimes God will birth knowledge you need to know. If you just sow, your harvest will before your very eyes begin to grow. If you just sow, whatever good you have, God will bless you with some more. So sow.... Your money, your time, your thoughts, your knowledge, In good ground And watch how God will give seed to the sower Pressed down, Shaken together, And running over will MEN give unto your bosom. #sow #sowwhereyouwanttogo #sowlikeuknow #ureapwhatusow |
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January 2025