I knew of God's grace, have even experienced it a few times in my life, but never have I been so up close and personal with His grace before now. You know it has been said that, "His grace is sufficient for us", and if I may, I would like to add, "And the grace He gives you for the season you're in is more than enough." I realized now more than ever that I have been graced for each circumstance that He allows!
I think about when Reynard first became sick; I was the one who lifted him, moved him, bathe him, and became a cane. Now, if you would try to lean on me right now at this very moment, we both would fall. God specifically graced me to be able to support my husband and it totally shocked me. What would I have done without His grace? Even as I right this note, I am starting to cry. Heaven knows I've done wrong in my life and so many times I tried to do things by myself, but God still affords me His grace knowing all too well that I did not always deserve it. Before you try to figure out why someone is being blessed and you don't feel like they deserve it; get to know how God's grace operates. He gives His grace not just to the good and the gifted, but to the greedy and to the gullible folks as well. What would I have done without His grace? When I smoked some dope laced with something that caused me to sleep for a whole day.....literally from 4 PM one Saturday until 7 PM the next day. When I slept with a guy who had more partners than he could name. When I was from club to club. When I was in jail. When I was sleeping with someone else's husband. When I was friends with my enemy. When I was doing wrong, even though I knew it was wrong. When I was stealing and talking to the cop at the same time. Where would I be without His grace? I could name a few places that would have loved to keep me like: the grave and the jail. God's grace understood who I was even before I knew who I was. His grace covered me, bailed me out, woke me, kept me from disease, allowed me an opportunity to see myself as I was, and then gave me the opportunity to get to know the me God ordained me to be. Never in all my days would I have ever imagined just how good His grace would be to me. Don't let anyone look down on where you are! You have been graced to go through just what you are going through. You are exactly where God has you. God's amazing grace will carry you through, just like it carried me. |
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January 2025