I just went through a major storm here at my home and you know I'm always trying to find out what is God saying to me. My daughters all happened to be at my mother's house where I informed them to sit still, and my son was in Monroe at a track meet. When the news reporter said, the storm seems to be coming towards Mansfield, La, and is in the path of Gloster, and Stonewall, something began to churn in my stomach. I told Reynard what the reporter said, and immediately started praying for our angels to cover our homes. Then I asked the Lord to send Michal and Gabriel to help our angels fight the forces of the atmosphere.
See, I read a book years ago called "When Angels Appear" by Hope MacDonald and it really gave me insight concerning my angels and their activity. So whenever I feel like I'm in a storm, I dispatch my angels. I am completely sure that they will take care of me upon the request of my God. Well, to my subject... As the storm was quickly approaching, I could see car lights coming from across the street. My husband's cousin, along with her daughter, grandbaby, niece, and great-niece were in the car. I've always been told that you never get in a car when a storm is coming, so I yelled across the street to my other cousin asking where are they going. She said, "Those crazy nuts are trying to go to Mansfield. I told them they didn't need to go anywhere but they decided to run from the storm." I immediately closed my door and said, "Lord, they don't know any better. Please protect them and those babies." Needless to say, they ran right into the storm! They couldn't see anything and pulled over by a locked gate. She said they were all screaming and she came to herself. She said she stopped screaming and started praying and calling on the name of Jesus. She said, her niece chimed in and the next thing you know, the wind forced the gate harshly and the gate swung off. She said she told her niece to drive in that yard so we can get out of the way, and when they did, they saw a shed that they pulled under. There happened to be a bathroom in the people's shed house and they ran in the bathroom. They were terrified because you could hear the storm. To us at home it sounded like a huge old washing machine, and she said it sounded the same to them but almost ten times worst. After they finally made it back home around three in the morning, they were tired, sleepy, and worn out. Nevertheless, they have an awesome testimony of how God saved them and opened that locked gate for them. I was peeping back and forward out of the window and eventually it seemed that the storm has passed us over. I said, "Lord no matter how we don't want to go through the storm, we must not run from it." The revelation was staring me in the face that some storms are meant for us to go through, and if we learn who to call on in the midst of the storm, He will protect us from all harm and for some, the storm is the rode that will transition them to everlasting life. So, either way, we are to be still and see the salvation of the Lord. This resurrection Sunday the Lord spoke to me before day morning in a dream and said read Matthew 9. I said, “Lord, do I start at the first verse or where.” He said, “Start at the first verse but really concentrate on verses nine through fifteen. It always amazes me how candidly the Lord speaks to me in dreams and how I always ask questions, but He does not dismiss my questions, but dutifully answers them.
So, I wake up this resurrection Sunday 2011 and I read Matthew 9. When I get to the ninth verse I find… “As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.” So he arose and followed Him. Now it happened, as Jesus sat at the table in the house, that behold, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Him and His disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to His disciples, “Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” Then the disciples of John came to Him, saying, “Why do we and the Pharisees fast often, but Your disciples do not fast?” And Jesus said to them, “Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then they will fast.” Matthew 9: 9-15. I smiled after I read it and said, “Lord I understand.” My message is not for the saved, but instead for the lost. I have often tried to figure out why I feel so different and why I’m not concerned with the things that others feel I should be concerned about, but He always gives me conformation of what He is doing in me. My one and only job is to make sure that sinners read my writings! So if you know someone who does not know the Lord, this resurrection Sunday after the church doors are closed, and the preachers cannot be found, grab the people who you can reach and offer them Christ Jesus. He died, He rose, and He is living within us!!!! I shall fast until He comes for me, and work the work of He who has sent me! Be Blessed! |
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January 2025