About four months ago, I had the distinct privilege of sharing my home with Landyn and his mother Renee.
Well, one day Scroggins and I decided to watch after Landyn instead of taking him to the daycare. To be perfectly honest, I could not see how I could stretch my gas so it made more sense to me to keep him for the day. After dropping his mother off at work, we went by my mother's house. Every year around this time, my finances get tight. Every year the first full weekend of December I host my yearly conference. Of course someone would say it's in a tight time but I know what God said. So because of my demeanor, God will start to drop little lessons before me, to change my attitude about myself, my faith, and Him. So here is where Landyn came in... My mother has a step that is maybe four inches leading into her hallway. With ease Landyn stepped up in the hallway but coming down was a whole other story. When he realized he had to make a step he stood there. First, he had this God-help look in his eyes. Then he reached out his hands to Scroggins who said, "Step down man." So after he could find no help that way, he turned towards me and I said, "You can do it Landyn, step down." Surely, both Scroggins and I knew that he would not fall, but what was a small step for Landyn became a big step in his mind. I kept begging him to come down and he began to cry. Although I felt so sorry for him, I knew that if I took Landyn down, he'd be in this same situation again and he'd expect others to get him out. I wanted him to use the measure of faith that God gave him! So, I moved directly in front of him and stretched my hand out but not enough for him to catch it. I said, "Come on big boy, you can do it and all of a sudden, Landyn stepped one foot down, looked up at me with the brightest of eyes, smiled, and brought the other foot down. Scroggins and I began clapping and screaming like Landyn had just won a prize when in reality he had. He'd used the measure of faith God gave him! Well how was that a lesson for me? This conference is a huge step for me. Primarily because I never have the finances to meet the budget for the conference. I was in a stooper one day and God allowed me to remember Landyn. He said, "Daughter you think you are high but you are not. You are just on the base and although I'm not going to put my hands out to grab you, I promise that after you've made the steps, I'm going to celebrate your efforts and do the rest." I'm releasing this story today because on yesterday I was speaking with my Pastor.....after a long conversation briefing him on what dilemmas still lay ahead and crying about only one early register, he said, "Daughter, you've done all that you can do, now it is up to God to do the rest." It was indeed conformation from what God already shared with me. I don't know what the 6th through the 8th of December is going to hold, but I do know that I took the steps to make it exactly what my vision thought it out to be. I wrote the vision, worked the vision, took huge steps, and now it's up to God to do the rest. Forever, all my life, I will remember the day that Landyn thought me to always be able to step up and step down. You step up into the vision by downing all you know to do, and you have to step down and watch God do the rest. Be Bless! |
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January 2025