The question I get from most people when we are one on one and they've been dealing with processes (those things they thought was problems) is...What does God want from me? or some say Danyelle I just don't know what God's will is for my life. Well, my friend this is exactly why you keep going through the same processes (problems) over and over in your life. Thanks for asking I'm going to break it down right now. Processes (problems) are the vehicles that God uses to 1) define your character 2) make you stronger 3) show you God's glory, provision, and grace, and 4) (But most important) establish and create purpose for your life. Now just because you've faced lots of processes and you now know God in His provisional parental stance does not mean you are called to Preach the Gospel. Nevertheless, after the process has truly worked in your life, you should know your purpose in God. "Break it down Danyelle and make it clear." I'm glad you've suggested this. When one has truly embraced their processes and have now discovered the little things you once called problems were just a part of the design called you, you can now see the purpose that is birth through these things were taking you to DISCIPLESHIP! Yes! You were meant to be a DISCIPLE! Your processes makes your belief system stronger. They make your faith more prevalent, they make you bold, and last but not least, they design and establishes your witness. Can I get a Hallelujah right there??? You will never become a true witness for Christ until you become a true worshiper. What is a worshiper? I'm glad you've asked. Is is someone who sings songs of Zion? Is it one who holds up their hands when a slow song is song at church? Is it one who closes their eyes and look all serious during praise and worship? No No No and No. Some of these things are the bi-products of becoming a worshiper but here's what a worshiper is....... A Worshiper is one who willingly offers everything they have (gifts, talents, time, possessions, etc.) to God. It's one who has willingly, eagerly, and submissively allowed God to have complete control of every part and every aspect of their life. And when you become a worshiper, it's hard not to be a witness. It's hard not to tell everyone you come into contact with why you've fallen so deeply in love with a God whom you have never seen, how awesome it is that Jesus died for our sins, how wonderful the grace that He freely gives us as a gift for our belief, and how convenient it is that I don't have to work for the grace that He gives me. Jesus says in all four of the Gospels and even in Acts this.... And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (28:18–20 NASB) As you are being taught to be a DISCIPLE, you are being groomed to be a DISCIPLE, and the processes are developing you to be a GREAT DISCIPLE! What God desires from you and what He wants for you is for you to BECOME A DISCIPLE AND THEN DISCIPLE OTHERS! You are a DISCIPLE in the making and no matter what processes you have to endure, endure with the promise that it's all making you become a better DISCIPLE! Be blessed! Reference Books: The Holy Bible: Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:46-47; John 20:21; & Acts 1:8. Buy: Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Discipleship. (First Fortress Press, 2003). Comments are closed.
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January 2025