This weekend I met a little girl named Cameron Danielle. Cameron came into this world faced with so many oppositions but in the midst of them all, she prevailed. Watching her run around the room, playing, talking, and being her....made me realize that life is not promised and if you are here, you should be making the best of your time. There are so many things that have been dropped into my spirit and time and time again, I neglect them due to fear of failure.
While watching her, I saw a child who knows exactly what she wants. I saw a child who met no strangers and one who had the boldness of David. I saw a fearless, fanatic who could say whatever was on her mind. I saw myself before life's failures and longed to get back to the place where I could walk in complete boldness irregardless to fear. So as I drove home from my trip, I gaze out of the window at trees that seemed to have had a haircut. I saw green grass and leaves that seemed to be fighting between being orange or green. And get this, I saw the same senery in Texas as well as in Louisiana. God reminded me, "If I can do for the trees in Louisiana, the same as I did for the trees in Texas, surely I can do the same things for you that I've done for someone else." I could feel the passion recapture my heart for some things I'd thought were gone. I could feel my thinking cap turn from fear of failure, to determined to do. What's even better is I realized at that moment that I had purpose. Purpose that's even greater than I can imagine. Purpose to be someone who will be known for doing whatever I thought God put in heart to do and I owe this revelation all to a little girl who God put in my path to show me that in Him, adversity is but advantage! Comments are closed.
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January 2025