It's amazing to me how you can be doing something for years and nothing seems to be working. Then all of a sudden, the Lord drops new strategies into your spirit.
Yes, I know it's the Lord because nothing just happens accept He's involved, and whether you know it or not, He's all about strategy. Sometimes, we miss out on the good things God has in store for us because we fail to strategize. So today, I present to you a piece of the new puzzle. This is what my new beginnings look like:
From this day forward, I plan on doing things The Scroggins Way! Yes, I know there is a way that seems right unto man but it leads to destruction, so let me clarify. I am doing things the way God has showed this Scroggins to do it. I am following the complete and total directives given to me and as I make the journey or self-revelation through total obedience, I'm letting you sit in. So, The Scroggins Way, is the way that God has chosen to direct little ole me, in accomplishing my purpose, dreams, goals, and aspirations. It is God granting a new beginning to someone who was too afraid to step out on faith. Someone who was not certain that obedience to God was the best strategy for life. Well, things have changed and if you were smart, you'd make your way, God's way. I now have come into a covenant relationship with God to may The Scroggins Way, the place where others can see how it's done. I hope that you come along on the journey with me, as I discover, what would I do. What new self-discoveries have you ventured upon? Comments are closed.
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January 2025