When I think of Dr. King, I think of how phenomenal we become when we do things God’s way. It’s never been more apparent to me than it is right now, how we as humans are so prone to using the world’s way, or the world’s tactics to solve problems and uncomfortable situations that disturb our lives. We are then reduced to uncivilized, underhanded humans led by the eternal inducements of sin. We must rally according to the Word of God, and rely heavily on the values that were saturated in the mission of Dr. King, knowing that there is a way that seems right unto man, and avoid this way by all cost.
We must never underestimate the power of God and the power of righteousness. When we consider with careful consideration how Dr. Martin Luther King, with men and women who understood obedience and how to truly follow the man of God, was able to accomplish so much, in so little time, we see how we have failed as a church, as a preacher, and most importantly as a Christian. Where are the men and women of God who finds the injustice and gather as a community to peaceably transform the wrongs that have been construed as right? We need not believe that we are living in a time, when the feelings of our past are far beyond surfacing in today’s society. The Scott sisters are the prime example of how our justice system still contains judges who merit unspoken that African American are still niggers. Our children are schooled with people who tolerate their kids being friends with blacks, but never dating. Some of the grandparents who walked to school calling our grandparents “Niggers”, have learned how to still teach their children and grandchildren values of hatred, but instead of open displays of hatred, they use secret measures empowered by finances and legislative pens. So, I write because I feel that now is the time that we understand the importance of the NAACP. Now is the time to understand that the lives that were lost, the children killed, the people hosed down, the men of God murdered were not for us as a people to digress, but that promising progression be fibered in the debts of our souls. My heart bleeds each year on this day, as I think of our school systems filled with teachers who have demoralized their jobs to just getting paychecks, and how our children feel that education is a gimmick and another measure to oppress them by teaching and demanding obedience. I think of how my great-great grandmother cared enough for the children to drive a horse driven buggy through the bumpy roads of Grand Cane, Louisiana, to ensure that the little black children were educated. I know it is hard to love children that don’t seem to even love themselves, nevertheless, as an educator you have decided to take on the responsibility of teaching (parenting in an institution), and it is your responsibility to love these children enough to exalt every measure in you to teach what is right. Or is it that you don’t feel that you should have to parent forgetting after all, that our children are at school just as must as they are at home. Or could it be that the school system so bent of achieving high state mandated test scores to ensure governmental funding, is failing our children. So, as one woman rallied to take prayer out of the schools, should not the millions of teachers who understood the power of prayer fought to keep prayer in? Nevertheless, now we have created a mess and as education become less important, so does Christian standards, moral ethics, and human life. Now that we believe that we are free, we have taken freedom and human rights and have abused this state of mind as the Israelites continuously did in the days before Christ. I claim freedom as a state of mind, because I understand that only he whom the Lord has set free is free indeed. This is exactly why we as pastors, preachers, teachers, must help our people obtain this freedom in their minds by not succumbing in agreement to their decision to sin as they chose, but instead teaching an unadulterated gospel that is steep in the power of restoration, salvation, and transformation. We must look beyond their faults, and as God- see their needs. We must show our people that the same love that covers a multitude of faults is the same love that unites a people in promise and through saving grace. I was not born on August 28, 1963, when Dr. Martin Luther King gave his most uplifting, and remembered “I Have A Dream” speech, but I understand the power of having a vision to be a part of a day when right over-rules the intruding acts of hatred in people, and love abides to the point when we help one another without motives- but out of true obedience to God. I think of the Caucasian woman (M.E.), who opened my eyes to how God intended His love to over-rule all that this world has taught, penetrated, and saturated in the devil’s decisive and precise plan, and I honor her not because of what she has done, but because of the spirit in which she obeyed God. It is then that I not only received a true revelation as to how God intended this world to be, but I understood that when the Spirit of the True and Living God resides in man, he sees himself not as a race but indeed as a vessel that God can use and will use to help other vessels in this walk of life. As we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, on this day, let’s make a prime decision to focus not on what has happened in our past, but instead how we as a vessel can make sure that we never walk into the aura of the past by becoming empowered to live a life dedicated to the Lord, peace, and the power to make a change in our environment, church, jobs, schools, and wherever we shall thread our feet. We all have the responsibility of being the best vessel on this earth that we can absolutely be. Thank you Lord for sending a man who truly understood as You, the power of laying down his life for a friend. Remembering this day as the day that the Lord has caused us to understand Jeremiah 29:11, and we each have to seek God for that plan, and move accordingly....Just as Dr. Martin Luther King. Comments are closed.
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January 2025