I was studying in my text book today about crime and deviant behavior, and how one crime is considered deviant in one society, but not in another. Then as I kept reading, I read where crime is not weighed the same with people. So as it turned out, my daughter called me in the middle of my studying. She just finished a Criminal Justice course at McNeese State University. We started talking and she said, "Mom, you know they don't even put white folks in jail for some of the same stuff they throw us in jail for, and the text books are teaching us this. Why it is that everyone knows how the system works, but no one is trying to change it."
At this point, I really couldn't answer but I agreed. I think about my baby brother who was thrown back into jail because he tested positive at his probation officer for drugs. Now, I can remember when I worked in a local counseling center and there were these men who worked for GM, and white males who had also tested positive for drugs. Instead of being thrown in jail, they sent them to a counseling center. So, I felt what she was saying because I've experienced it in my own family. Then I began to think about all the young African American attorneys in this world who get into the system to change it, but then conform to exactly the type of people they wanted to change. All in search for a great name, a lot of money, and a reputation before men...forgetting the man who gave them the ability and desire to change the system. It's strange how if you offer some African Americans status and praise, they soon forget about the mission of people, and start focusing on the mission call "ME". I see why we were admonished in the Word concerning giving men praise. Take for instance a young African American law student, he sees the injustice and inequality of the system and desires to use his or her gift and voice to transform it. Then, he gets in the system and learns the scratch back syndrome....eventually, he forgets what he desired to do because the same system where he's learning the rules of the game, is learning him. Then once the system finds him out, they do just what is necessary to promote him praiseworthy. (Note: If the system knows all you have to do is give a black person some praise, money, and rope to hang himself, isn’t it willing to eagerly hand over all three to you?) Praise sends him out his mind!!!! Just like it did the Devil. I can just imagine that as soon as he started getting praise for being an awesome worship leader, he thought he could take over God's job. And as soon as he set his plan, he convinced a couple of dummies who wanted praise for themselves to follow suit. Don't get caught up in other people's junk, searching for ways to validate yourself! So then what becomes of the purpose that God spark in him or her to usher change? God sits back and sparks a couple more folks in hopes that they will turn away from the world's way, and allow Him to lead and guide them for the people. Take Moses for instance. He had to turn away from power, money, and fame in order to lead the people out of bondage. And I hear someone saying, "Do black people always need a leader?" My answer is, yes! I feel this way because when God was leading us, we weren't satisfied, we needed a leader and He sat this in place. Until God comes back again, we as a human race are always in need of leadership. So then my question becomes, who is going to step out and declare the injustice of the system and rectify it? Who is going to use what they have, given by God to create a better place for God's people, to help the people, instead of to get what they want. I watched the news on yesterday and the police department was so happy to announce that they would be setting up in the black neighborhoods and had taken 80 people to jail that had warrants. Now, I don't know if anyone else was thinking what I was thinking, but I said, there are break-ins in Broadmoor and other places where whites live. But instead, we stake out in the poor communities, gather all the blacks and throw them in jail, make their families who are already struggling come up with the money to bail them out, and then we won't have to be faced with crime. Then what sickens me more is when you get a black cop on the news so gong ho on what he's doing, and barely pronouncing words on television just like the folks he's arresting. Who's going to usher change? So if all your cops are in the black neighborhoods, if I were a thief, I'd make plans this summer to robe the white neighborhoods. Could it be you? Could you be the one who God put on this earth to lead your people to a better place? Could you be the one who was educated to rectify the injustice in our justice system? Could you be the voice that is meant to make people think? Or are you the one that is afraid to speak out about what you see wrong for fear of losing your life? My Bible tells me, that a man that is willing to lose his life will gain his can I get some help out here in this world? And where are all the preachers? My guess, somewhere trying to build a mega-ministry and don't even have a mega word on the inside of be continued.... Comments are closed.
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January 2025