The best part to being married is having someone with whom I can touch and agree with!
Times when the enemy is having a field day trying to hinder the very joy we have found in Christ, when the floods gates are open, when our continence is suffering from carrying the weight of our assignments, I have a man who will say, "Come on, it's time to pray." Together we will go down or stand hand in hand praying to our God who is able to do, hear, move, and deliver on time. See, this is what real love is about. It's about having that one person in your corner when no one else seems to care. Having a support system that is rooting for you to win. Rubbing your back when fatigue and stress tries to sneak you. Saying I'm sorry when you really believe you were not at fault. Kissing the pains of life away. Making sure the children have a place to sleep and food to eat. Looking past your bad hair days and monthly "tudes". Never afraid to stop you when you go too far. Constantly reminding you of the Lord's goodness, and not to take advantage of His grace. This is what true love does, and oh so much more. So to those who have one, do not take for granted your touch-and-agree partner. To those who don't, re-evaluate your reasoning for desiring a mate and trust God to chose for you. Why? Because sometimes our preference is never what God has designed to help us reach our purpose. And when preferences compromise purpose, God won't let it prevail. Happy Valentine's Day.....and in spite of it all.....Love God with all your heart, might, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself! Comments are closed.
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January 2025