You know how we feel like the fruits are in total operation in our lives until you are placed in a situation and realize that the fruit you thought you have was no longer on your tree, or either just a little rotten. Well, that's exactly how I was and I'm truthful enough to say, "My fruit tree needs to be prune and repaired." If you are wondering how can it be done, let me tell you. In order to reproduce, grow, prune, or replace any of your fruit, you must go back to the giver. Now might I add, you better be careful when you go there because you will be put to the test until your harvest is developed!
Sometimes we feel that as soon as we get the Holy Spirit, we should readily be equipped with all of the spiritual gifts and fruits of the Spirit that He gives, but unfortunately that's not so. Just as you came to the realization that you needed the Holy Spirit to become involved in your life, so it is with His gifts and fruits. He is readily able to produce in you what can rightfully belong to you, but you must come to an awareness for your need of them; with gifts, you must understand the purpose of having them which is to edify the church. Now your Spiritual fruits are to equip you for life in harmony with the Spirit and others who have been blessed with the same fruits. So here's my dilemma..... I decided to let each fruit of the Spirit have its very own tree in my life. By this, I can put each one to use as needed and recognize where the lack is and the need for pruning, picking off, sharing, and cutting down to replant. So in my life I have a love tree, joy tree, peace tree, long-suffering tree, gentleness tree, goodness tree, faith tree, meekness tree, and temperance tree. The blooming and production of each tree allows me to maintain a level by which my flesh is constrained. Now, as most of you know my husband was in a horrible wreck December 2012 and it has taken so much and many of my fruit to maintain the level of care that he has received from me. As well as, to give to others who at their point of need bring buckets to my tree. Now he's doing much better but in order for him to have liberty of moving around in our home, I had to remodel! If any of you know the hassle of remodeling while still living in the home, you can testify that it is not easy. There have been days that I wanted to throw the workers out, the supplies out, and my husband out and just say, "All y'all come back tomorrow!" Nevertheless, my fruit would drop on my toe causing quick realization that I shouldn't even feel or think those thoughts. Then, as I sat this morning in meditation, I realized that my long-suffering tree was getting weak. I somehow got one of those fruit bugs on the loose. He's chopping at that tree and no doubt has went to his nearest kin to let them know a party is going on. This morning I realized that my tree sort of resembled a tree that has been battered by the winter storms. My long-suffering tree is suffering a deficiency! With that said, I had to pray this morning for some more power to suffer through. I know some of you like me are dealing with a lot of suffering lately. It almost seems like when you finally get over one storm and your suffering pains seem few, them something else is thrown in the mix. Well, if I can encourage you today, I would start by saying to you, "Tell the Holy Spirit exactly what fruit you need in order to make it!" Then I would encourage you to ask Him to give you whatever He sees you lacking. See sometimes we think it's our temperance tree and it's really our long-suffering tree or even sometimes we thinks it's our peace tree and it's really our meekness tree that needs help. But one thing is for sure, the Holy Spirit knows exactly what fruit needs attention because He gave, can sustain it, and knows when it's in need of His help. Just say this, "Holy Spirit one of my trees needs some work!" Like anything else in our bodies, when there is a deficiency going on we feel it. Boy! Do I feel my deficiency. And although my body isn't aching as my proof, the spirit of anger jumping in is all the proof I need. When the spirit of anger invades my life, I have come to understand that there's only room for him when I have a deficiency in either the Fruits of the Spirit or usage of my Spiritual Gifts. You must know your body, soul, and spirit in order to detect what's ailing you. So with all that said, pray for me as I continue to pray for you. Pray that the worm that's on my tree is killed and the kin folks he brought with him suffer just as he. Then come into agreement with me that all is well no matter what, and I will do the same for you. Be Blessed! Comments are closed.
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January 2025