It is official....I'm hosting the "Let's Get Ready To Rumble" Women's Conference 2011. I have been in prayer for quit some time about this conference and truly wanted a conference in Shreveport, Louisiana for women that would shake the foundation and shatter the plans of the enemy concerning God's Daughters!
This is truly going to be a conference unlike all others. We will be bringing the enemy center stage to expose his plans, accusations, and assumptions that he's held over your lives. Yes! We are ready to rumble! I remember when we use to go to the altar, and those mother's would call on the name of JESUS, until whatever had you bound would come off.....Sisters! this is how they use to rumble and this is where we are going back to. You need to make an appointment to come to the fight if: .........You are tired of living like you've been living. .........You know you are bound, and just can't seem to break free. .........Your marriage, children, or job has been under attack. .........Your financial situation keeps you in the gutter. .........Your flesh is running your body. .........Your mind is locked in the hurts of your past. The conference is taking place December 2nd-4th, 2011! Keep checking here to get updates on who will be coming as the main attractions, who will be in the pre-fight, who will be our worship guests, and many, many more details! Ladies, let's seize the city!!!!! Comments are closed.
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January 2025