I get so excited with I see everyone getting ready for Valentine's Day! Why? Mainly because one day of the year people go out of their way to go above and beyond for love. They buy nice gifts, they take their significant others out to dinner, they send balloons and flowers, they give money, candy, and jewelry, and don't forget baskets and teddy bears. The list goes on and on but I just truly wonder if they understand that not just on Valentine's Day, but everyday....Love is the KEY!
Love is so powerful that it unlocks doors to even broken hearts. Hearts that have been abused and bruised for ages have the proclivity to LIVE once LOVE has entered. I would that my friends understand that no matter how hurt or locked a person's heart is, if you simply love them, you can change not only their circumstances but their life. I'm reminded of this..... "Greater love hath no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends". John 15:13 Our love will never extend to the degree that Christ's love for us did, but there's key elements in John 15:13. What is it? We all were considered His friend and it didn't matter if we fit the description of greatness or even goo. It also showed that it's important to do LOVE when it comes to our friends. It also shows that LOVE is a action that can extend through the elements of time. I may forget or have forgotten what you bought me for Valentine's Day in 1988, but I remember that you LOVE me. So keep in mind that your gifts will never outweigh the LOVE that you've shown or the LOVE that you are determined to begin to show. The secular group Maze and Frankie Beverly said it like this..."Love is the key to life, the thing that makes it right". Jesus said it like this..." A new commandment I give to you that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another". I say it like this..."Your FAITH in God makes it easy for you to LOVE and as your LOVE grows FAVOR becomes the award of those who LOVE, and every FRIEND you had, you have, or will gain needs LOVE!" Happy Black History Month! Comments are closed.
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January 2025