I use to believe that my blessings were and always had to be attached to money and stuff. You know, we really get the revelation that we have been blessed when we can take inventory of our possessions, but God re-routed my thoughts. He allowed all of my stuff to vanish. I'm talking about house, cars, money, and jobs. He allowed us to experience the place of nothing, and then showed the enemy that he couldn't take His blessing from us.
See, the real blessing of the Lord is truly to believe in Him. Your belief and trust in the Lord, your God, does make you rich and it adds no sorrow. Even in the midst of adversity, I gained an unexplained strength to STAND! This state not only affected me, but my family as well. And yes, you better believe that in the midst of our going through.....the enemy use every tactic to try to make us turn against God; even causing some of my Christian sisters and brothers to come against us. See, when you are going through this type of storm, it's hard for people to tell; and when people (even some Christians) can't see the evidence of the state you're in, they often assume that all is well with you. It took tenacity not to tell everyone we were dead broke, strength to keep going places without one red cent in our pockets, and joy of the Lord to cause us to keep smiling instead of continously crying. Praise the Lord we understood the tricks of the enemy. This takes spiritual wisdom and you my friend must pray for it. Our God would cause us to be blessed everytime someone came against us and it almost became crazy. As soon as someone would do something to get me so upset, God would have someone in the next room waiting to bless me. God was literally taking a girl who use to would fight her own battles (by hauling off and hitting someone or cussing them), to a place of understanding that He would fight my battles large or small, and then reward me if I allowed Him to do it. If you happen to one of the ones who came against us, I don't hold it against you. I'm grateful that someone was weak enough for the enemy to use, so I could understand where he had been using me. Now, I still don't have back everything that the enemy stole, but one by one God is restoring our stuff. Not because He wants to bless us, because He already has; but because He wanted to show me that without things or money, I was still BLESSED! I was indeed better than blessed! So as you read this, I pray that you understand whether in plenty or in nothing, your blessing is not based on things and money. Those are just the added things that are bestowed upon you when you Seek God. Your true blessing is coming into the knowledge of who Jesus Christ truly is, learning to love Him with all of your heart, mind, and soul, and then learning to love people as this you are in the BLESSING and all those other things will be added unto you. Be Blessed! P.S. Don't take forgranted that everything is okay with people. Ask the Lord for the Spirit of Discernment, so you can discern when Christians are going through. You'd be amazed at just how you can help them Comments are closed.
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January 2025