I posted two post back to back on social media and those who were angry enough to comment did and then some voiced their opinions privately.
Guys, even in my heat, I understand exactly what Martin Luther King felt. Like, if we turn hateful- in part -due to what they (THE WICKED0 do to us, we are just as bad as them. Like, there are some white people in this world who I would put my best sheets on the bed and let them stay in my home as long as they want. Some, have even become sisters and brothers to me and I love them as if they were my very own. So with that said, we must be careful when we are faced with these types of racial adversities. Careful that we don't start to hate. Careful that we speak God's truths; even in times like these. Years ago, I discovered that black films of the past did something to me. Like, I'd watch them and then go in a store mugging white people. In my mind, I wish you would. And then, when the terror became president. White people got real bad all of a sudden. They started carrying guns in stores. Looking for something to pop off. Then, I put my pistol (that I had not carried for years) back in my purse. God reminded me of this: YOU LIVE BY THE SWORD, YOU DIE BY THE SWORD. Point is...if you live looking for drama and being drama, you die in drama and because of drama. I refuse to live my life preaching and teaching God's Word, then die because I was caught in my feelings and looking for drama. So, I guess what I'm trying to tell you, my good people, is I know it sucks. Seeing our brothers and sisters gunned down by those who vow to protect us. But you got to remember, just as in pastors, the same applies to police, government officials, and even presidents....there are and will always be wolves in sheeps clothing. Those who are really wolves, but have snuck in unaware. And could it be that our people become the Martyrs... so the injustices of wolves in sheeps clothing would be undressed? Just as in the officer in Shreveport, had this never happened, he would have not had cause to reveal what was in his heart. And the nothing of a fighting against twitter instead of fighting against what's going the proof that he's not worth two nickels. And the white people who love him, you now see what type of world they want. I believe this. If whites hate blacks so much. They need to go find themselves a town all to themselves. Like many have did. And then the whole entire neighborhoods burn down. Or, their little girls are raped and killed in their own homes. And then, they have no one to blame but themselves. And as we have seen in times past, their very own police are desperate to find what and who is right in their faces, but never do. But this is in fact my opinion and..... The Wrong answer...cause even they commit crimes against one another so nothing would ever be accomplished. Why? Let's go back to history.... You can't steal something from someone and then claim it as yours. Eventually, the true owners come back to take what belongs to them. Or they come to live on the lands you stole and made them farm. Harsh reality.... America has never been great and will never be great! You cannot build beautiful dreams on stolen property. And you cannot take what belongs to God, plan your own course of laws and actions, built upon the opinions of just those who were the ancestors of those who stole and only included themselves. Another FACT... At Babylon, all the people spoke the same language. No difference in them. And God came down to confuse them and make differences so that they would not reach heaven before time. Trust me, even our differences were in HIS PLAN. A great AMERICA, is not necessary. But a better AMERICA would be one where the WORD of GOD became a necessary. Where great scholars of all races and backgrounds could come together... REWRITE the constitution for all, with all in mind and included. REWRITE laws to fit and apply to all. REWRITE history by respecting where things went wrong and vowing to never institute the wrongs again. RESPECT others decisions to have different opinions. RESPECT others choices to do things differently. BUT even.... RESPECT those who don't agree. AND the number one vow is...DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU'D HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU. But in our lifetime this will never happen, because the BIBLE says it wouldn't and corrupt people have learned to use what is corrupt to validate their means to an end. (To justify or vindicate themselves). But, in all of this, we must still keep in mind that we are more than conquerors. That the BIBLE was written with what some view as flaws--but to govern a world that would easily gravitate to or run away with Satan's principles. But understand, if you really read it and take a look at things, you'd come to consider what it's really talking about. Like me, I had a problem with the word SLAVE....which gave white folks a justified means. But get this....some of them are SLAVES too. When is uses the word slaves it is considered workers. So anyone who has a JOB you are considered a slave. PERIOD. You can either be the SLAVE or the OWNER. But in every instance, you will not do anything but what you are told. And likewise, you are to never treat people as if they only belong to you are not God. The word we use now is our....EMPLOYEES. Same thing. You will not treat your employees as your equal. If you did, the vision of the business would never manifest itself. Someone has to be the LEADER, MASTER, BOSS, whatever you want to call it. And the only way you become the LEADER< MASTER>BOSS, is if you step out on faith, save and invest money, and build a business that requires you tithing to government and paying people. Y'all it's not hard. And even in this, you still are admonished to treat your EMPLOYEES (SLAVES) a certain way. I hope you understand this. And see, I said all of this to say that God wants us to love. We are to love everyone. PERIOD. Because love is the only thing that will help you make sense of our world. True love is the only thing that will make you discover what hate looks like. And the only thing to keep you from hating. Be blessed PastorDanyelle Comments are closed.
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January 2025