We are so excited that God has graciously thought us purposeful enough to be partakers of a New Year. Though, we do not know how long we will be here on earth, we wake up making the best of each moment, each day. There are many who did not make it to see this New Year, but there is the greatest blessing they left behind with us; Memories. My greatest mentor past and although he's in his resting place, I am left with tons of memories and a couple of his books, in which he never failed to remind me that, "Preachers never give back books." Then one day, I thought about it...Why if you know that preachers never give back books, you still loan yours out constantly. And I figured it out, he wanted to leave a legacy in that he always encouraged preachers to read! How awesome is that! Now, what am I doing to keep his legacy moving? I'm loaning books and although I don't expect to get them back, I'm going to remind the people whom I give books to, to pass them on.
Now, that God has saw fit to leave me here, I must continue to walk in the calling which substantiates my purpose. And I must continue to show each of you God's love through my love for you. I am grateful that you too are still here, and I pray that you are ready to start this New Year anticipating God's move, walking in crazy faith, and believing beyond what you see. Be Blessed! Comments are closed.
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January 2025