My hubby Scroggins and I have been dealing with the seven (7) things God hate. You know I figured that if we get the things He hates down, we will be a step closer to being the person God is calling for us to be.
So last Tuesday, I discussed the first three things which are: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. A Proud Look......... Now, I don't know about you but I can honestly count out loud people who capitalize to the fullest in PRIDE! I will never forget when I worked at a beauty salon years ago. A pastor acquired the building next door to the salon which had been empty for years. Our customers had grown accustomed to parking in front of the vacant building and we'd never had anyone to ask us not to, so we never corrected them. Well, Pastors were a sore subject in the beauty shop because at this point there were some living in as much sin as most of their parishioners, having children outside their marriages, getting pulled over for drunkenness, and that's just to name a few things. But little ole me was still trying to get my co-workers to understand that God is still in control and there are really some good men and women of God in the world. When in walks Pastor Big who'd recently purchased the next door property.... I can't remember his exact words but they were so filtered in pride until I said, "And you are suppose to bring people to Christ. Really! I don't know what God you are serving but take your Pride and your body and exist now!" I was so embarrassed for him. My heart hurt especially when one of the ladies commented..."see Danyelle, they all the same...full of (4 letter cuss word)." I just could barely hold my head up because in less than five minutes, he'd managed to destroy my entire testimony of good pastors. Now, I thank God for this day because he shall always be the reason I fight to remain humble. I never want to been seen in the eyes of God's people as someone so full of herself until I'd treat people in ways that God would not be pleased. Read Proverbs 8:18 & James 4:6 A lying tongue.... How many people do you know that will just lie for no reason at all? You know some of the best of us had this problem and I for one managed to use it as a skill. It was not until I really began to read the Word of God and realize how God truly hates a liar. You know we say it all the time, "I can't stand a liar", but will turn right around and tell a lie in the same breath. Well, God wants us to be truthful. I was talking to one of my friends yesterday and I get that people will only tell you as much of the situation that they want you to know (Learned that in my first counseling course). Nevertheless, I'd rather you not tell me any of the story than to tell me bits and pieces because before you could even put a dot at the end, someone else will have already rung my line with their account of what happen. Own your part or close your mouth. I found that the best thing to do to keep from lying was close my mouth. You know we all see babies and to be honest all babies are not cute. Some of their little features look weird but normally the ones who look their weirdest turn out to be the prettiest children and adults. Nevertheless, as soon as we get to the crib or cradle the first thing we say is, "Oh he/ she is so cute." Then we get in our cars and say, "OOoowee that was an ugly baby". Well if that's truly the way you felt, why didn't you say that. Instead you lied and all you had to say was, "OOoowee, thank God for a healthy baby". See, to that parent your opinion never mattered anyway. Some of them know that their babies are not too cute, but to them he or she is theirs! Read James 3:6-10; Proverbs 12:22; & John 8:44 Hands that shed innocent blood.... I know you have quickly said, "I won't kill anyone, I don't even have a gun", but I want you to know this... We murder people everyday when we assassinate their character and their name. When we hurt people with our words and destroy the very seed that God has planted in them to produce purpose. We must remember that God hates a murderer and when we take our brethren lives, we destroy a part of the puzzle that will complete the plan of God. I for one can go back into my mind when my temper was crazy. It was like I made up in my mind, I had experienced my last fight and the next person I had to fight would get shot. This is often what people who think that they are people's target begin to feel after years of defending themselves because of someone's perception, jealousies, or bullying. I will never forget when I was put in counseling and the counselor told me that I had a doormat demon and I needed to find out how deep this demon went. Well I spoke with my parents and my dad told me some stories that left me completely mind-struck! It was at this point I decided to never carry a gun again. Now this doesn't mean that the mentality left. Still in the back of my mind I determined if you messed with me in what I considered the wrong way, I would kill you. Then my husband started to minister to me. It took some time to be free but I thank God I'm free. I still have the personally to say what I need to say, but I make sure that my voice parallels the Word of God. Be mindful when we set out to murder someone just because they are not in agreement with us. No one will ever completely agree with you at all times. We do not live in a world where moral relativism holds true. Our cultures do not determine our values or morals but the Word of God does! We must base, develop, and govern our morality with the truths of God's Word and when we know to do what it right, do it. Read Matthew 5:21-22; Revelation 21:8; James 4:2 Hope you have enjoyed the post. Come out to one of my "In The Living Room with Pastor Danyelle" sessions on Tuesdays at New Vessels Ministries Shreveport, La. Located at 4134 Greenwood Road at 6:30 P.M. Comments are closed.
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January 2025