Hope that you enjoyed part one, now lets begin.
Heart That Deviseth Wicked Plans. Now we all know that the heart is just as worse as our mouth, and if the mouth says wicked things, and the mind thinks wicked things, it is a prime fact that the heart is completely wicked. I can remember how I would sit up all night formulating a plan to get you back. If you did something to me, I was going to get you back because I wanted you to hurt as much as you made me hurt. Now most people won't admit this, but I will. I have since learned that vengeance is not mine. I unfortunately have seen some folks who will deliberately hurt innocent people just to follow through on their plan to destroy someone else. It's almost this scenario: In order for the folks to not blame me, I'm going to throw this on their back. It's done by a lot of pastors and those who want to divorce their spouses but don't want the blame to fall on them. When your heart devises a wicked plan that will potentially hurt someone else, God is displeased. It would be better for you to just leave than to plan to destroy the people. You must take note that your heart can be a devious place and if you let the devil in, he will cause it to be rotten to the core. Think of it like this, your heart is the motor to your entire body. If your motor has no oil (the Holy Spirit) or no water (The Word), it will blow up and prevent the car from being operable. Some of us fail to operate in the things of God because our hearts are filthy. Remember David's prayer.....create in me a clean heart oh Lord and renew the right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10)! It takes a clean heart and a renewed spirit to operate in the things of God. Read Jeremiah 17:9; Proverbs 27:19; Matthew 15:19 Feet That Are Swift In Running To Evil. Do you know anyone who always be at the center of controversy? If some mess arises, you can rest for sure that they are in the area somewhere. We must be careful what we run to; in other words run to be about God's business, and less to be in the midst of mess. I can remember when I was young...there was a couple who lived across the street from my aunt in Stoner Hill. Every weekend, this couple was going to do two things: drink alcohol and fight. We were not use to this type of activity so as soon as the fight started we would run to the window to see. We were young, but our feet was quick to run to mischief. I would watch how she would just literally beat the man down, and I promised that I would never get that drunk where someone could just beat me up like that! We'd almost get upset when she'd powerhouse him and he'd stay down on the sidewalk. Never once did we think that one of them could pull out a gun and start shooting and we'd get the bullet just because we were in the window. So many innocent bystanders have lost their lives just because they ran to evil. Then another point is you better be careful when you'd run quicker to do the wrong thing, than to do what is right. Those separated from God longs for craves evil, and when you do the inventory on their lives, you'll find no good deeds. Read Isaiah 59:7; Psalms 52:3; Proverbs 1:15-16; Romans 3:15 A False Witness Who Speaks Lies Boy oh Boy how many times have you saw something that you thought was worthy or telling, but in the end what you saw isn't what you thought it was. You know this is what destroys homes so often. You see a woman with a man and instantly for your own gain you run to speak the lie of what you witnessed. Never once did you go to either and ask if this is what you saw, you just take it upon yourself to feel like it was what you wanted it to be. Baby, you better be careful when lie on your eyes. Think of all the innocent people who are in jail because someone falsified what they saw. I am not good with remembering what I see, so it would be hard for me to be a witness to a crime if I don't immediately write it down. This is the very reason when I see things, I write, then I pray because I want God to help me to determine what I just witnessed. Then here is my last point....if you will give false witness, nine times out of ten you will lie. A liar has no reservations about claiming their false truths. Then on top of that, they will add to the story to make it more interesting and incriminating. You better be careful what you do to others because it has a way of coming back to haunt you. Remember God said all liars will have their day in the lake of fire, so I believe John with clarity made the distinction "all", because it included the white lie, little lie, half truth, untold truth, and a dressed up lie. Read Proverbs 19:5; 1 John 4:1 And the last one which is an abomination to God...O One Who Sows Discord Among Brethren. You know it's bad enough to be a mess maker at your house, but God detest when you bring that mess into His house. We've become so accustomed to doing us until we forget to make the distinction when we come upon ground that does not belong to us. God is just as serious about His house now as He was when they were moving the Ark of the Covenant. God does not want you to take for granted that His house shall be called a house of prayer; and a house of prayer will not function as God has designed where there is no peace. You better be careful when you are amongst the brethren sowing seeds of discord. There are just certain things that Christians should not do, and when there is a devil in the midst of the saints, God is not pleased. Read Romans 16:17-18; Proverbs 17:19; Matthew 5:9. Some of these I had to cut short from my notes but I gave you the foundation and the basis. Read the scriptures and as you look over the things God hates, remember them...therefore if the devil presents the opportunity to compel you to do these things, you will rebuke him. I am convinced that when we learn the things God hate, we will less likely fail prey to committing them. I pray that you have been blessed and please share this blog with others. Be Blessed. Comments are closed.
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January 2025