I'm in a store and get to the checkout counter and there's this young man. As soon as my eyes hit him, I saw...runway fashion all over him. So, I ask, "Where are you going to work when this store closes?" He replies, "I'm going back to the hospital." I hear him but I say, "You need to go to work at a major clothing department store." Sure, I gave him the name but since I can't promote one store (unless it's in a book), let your mind wonder. And his reply, "Someone just told me that." Isn't confirmation strange? There's nothing more creepier than someone who doesn't know you from a dust cloth, sees a passion in you that you're about to give up on. Or one, you know is in you, but not knowing the routes to go to get there is driving you. How many dreams are in the grave because of this very reason? Look, I'm telling you before Christmas so you can give yourself the best gift ever. The gift of faith! You have God's permission to just do it. Don't worry about failing, you not being educated in that lane, or people not helping you. I promise you, if you just have a little faith, God can literally show up in your situation and show all the way out. It took me four years, to get the courage to just write the book. And another two years, and over thirty denials to get the book published. Wow, but eighteen years later, and I'm floating books into the world like picking vegetables from my garden. I still don't have a lot of money (what I consider a lot :)). I still don't have a whole lot of people helping me, and I still don't know all there is to writing books. But here's what I do know...
Get on it. Give yourself something for Christmas and New Years besides a stale resolution that you already know you really aren't going to do. Give yourself a gift you'll never refund...FAITH! Happy Holidays, Danyelle Excerpt from Graced After The Pain is available here or on #KindleUnlimited.
It’s so exciting where Dean and I are in our marriage, but let me tell you, it has not always been this way. I constantly tell these younger women I keep running into who swear they ready for a husband, be careful what you pray for. And by all means, make sure you check all the ex-baggage by the dumpster before you say, “I do.” None of the good ole married folks I know told me this, and I went into this thing with a pretty dress, and a heart filled with past mess. And I thought I had it going on. I was bragging about my baby and darn near driving him insane with my jealousy. Let me rephrase that because jealousy is not mine anymore. I finally got past what the old doggish dude did to me, so I can fully enjoy what God gave to me. Now, don’t judge me. Because what I know is: so many women going through phones, checking briefcases, rummaging through car trunks and wallets, because you refuse to allow what happened in the past relationship to happen again to you in this new situation. I feel you, sistah. And I of all people understand. But it’s too much energy to be wasting. And I don’t want you to look around and be in the same situation I was in. You know they say, “Bought sense is the best sense,” but that’s a lie from the pits of hell. Guided sense is better all day. Because if you can guide me around the pit, that’s what I want. I don’t want to have to fall in to realize that’s not where I want to be. Tell me, so I can get my ish together. So before I tell you all the good stuff happening to me after the pain, I need you to get this guided sense from me showing you the power of pain. Pain can literally rock your world. Pain can make you check out of reality. Pain can cause you to embrace negative energy as your normal. Pain can also make you isolate yourself and in turn lose your new boo. But only if you let it and I didn’t know any better, I let it. The comeback was real, but it was hard. Don’t let anybody tell you that mending a broken marriage is easy. It ain’t. But it is doable. Take a look… Graced After The Pain. Available here or on #KindleUnlimited. Comments are closed.
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January 2025